• 南京,简称“宁”,古称金陵、建康,是江苏省会、副省级市、南京都市圈核心城市,是首批国家历史文化名城, 中华文明的重要发祥地,是中国南方的政治、经济、文化中心,有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之称,有“天下文枢”、“东南第一学”的美誉。

  • 是中华人民共和国教育部直属、中央直管副部级建制的全国重点大学。国家首批双一流(A类)、 211工程、985工程重点建设高校。现有33个院系、77个本科专业,有33个博士学位一级学科授权点,49个硕士学位一级学科授权点。

  • 南京是全球最佳旅游目的地、首批中国优秀旅游城市、国家历史文化名城、国家全域旅游示范区,钟山风景名胜区、 夫子庙秦淮风光带为国家5A级旅游景区。有世界文化遗产1项、中国世界文化遗产预备名单2项、 全国重点文物保护单位49处。

  • 金陵小吃位列中国四大小吃之首,主要的集中地有老门东、夫子庙、狮子桥等,如南京大牌档、尹氏鸡汁汤包、莲湖糕团店、绿柳居等, 此外还有秦淮八绝、鸭血粉丝汤、小笼包、煮干丝、皮肚面、如意回卤干、什锦豆腐涝、牛肉锅贴等风味小吃。


Registration deadline: September 25, 2019

Registration fees are summarized in the following table:

Registration On or Before 15. Sep After 15. Sep
Student registration 1200 RMB/170 USD 1400 RMB/200 USD
Regular registration 1600 RMB/220 USD 1800 RMB/250 USD

The registration fee includes:
(1) One copy of the conference abstract book.
(2) Daily coffee and meals.
(3) One dinner.
(4) Attending all keynote lectures, tutorial sessions, and special sessions offered during the conference.

*The registration fee does not include publication costs, such as journals page charges, which need to be paid to the publishers by the authors if required.

境内汇款银行账户信息(Transfer Account Information for Chinese attendee):

账号:3200 1594 1380 5912 3456

1. 汇款时请备注:会议名称(iwcfta2019)+姓名+单位+汇款金额

2. 发票项目:会议费。注册后请填写下方注册登记表(Participants Registration Form),与发票抬头、税号及汇款凭证图片一并发送到iwcfta2019@126.com

Foreign attendee Transfer Account Information:

Account Number:5040 5821 6351
Account Title:Southeast University
Swift Code:BKCHCNBJ940
Bank Name:Bank of China
Branch Name:Nanjing Centre Branch
Branch Code:1043 0100 3062

1. Please remark the following of the transfer: iwcfta2019 + Attendee name + Transfer amount

2. After registration please send the following Participants Registration form to iwcfta2019@126.com

Participants Registration Form.doc
