• 简称渝或巴,是中华人民共和国直辖市、国家中心城市、超大城市、国际大都市, 长江上游地区的经济、金融、科创、航运和商贸物流中心,西部大开发的战略支点、 “一带一路”和长江经济带重要联结点以及内陆开放高地;既以江城、雾都著称,又以山城扬名。

  • 西南大学是教育部直属的综合大学,是国家"211工程""985工程"建设高校。学校主体位于重庆市北碚区, 有3个国家重点学科,28个一级学科具有博士学位授予权,51个一级学科具有硕士学位授予权, 博士后流动站22个,6个学科领域进入ESI世界排名前1%。

  • 重庆拥有山、水、林、泉、瀑、峡、洞等自然景色,共有自然、人文景点300余处,其中有世界文化 遗产1个,世界自然遗产2个,国家重点风景名胜区6个,国家森林公园24个,国家地质公园6个,国家级自然保护区4个,全国重点文物保护单位20个。

  • 是以巴渝地区菜品为主,渝菜以味型鲜明,主次有序为特色,又以麻、辣、鲜、嫩、烫为重点, 变化运用,终成百菜百味的风格。其中,火锅是来重庆必吃的美食,重庆火锅的精髓菜品就毛肚、鸭肠、黄喉。 另外重庆特色美食还有:小面、抄手、串串……


By Air:

from Chongqing Jiangbei international airport to the hua di wang chao Ramada Plaza Hotel in Hechuan District, Chongqing (69.1 km, about 1 hour and 30 minutes by car)

As the airport is far away from the hotel, the organizing committee will arrange a shuttle bus to pick up the guests.

By Train:

There are three railway stations in Chongqing: Chongqing railway north station, chongqing west railway station, chongqing shapingba railway station. And the bullet trains, high-speed trains and express trains mainly stop at the above three railway stations. The meeting will be held in the city of hechuan, also has mobile docking stations. The organizing committee will arrange the station staff and commuting vehicles in the above four railway stations. Please contact the organizing committee in advance to arrange the meeting.

Route 1. From Chongqing railway north station to the hua di wang chao Ramada Plaza Hotel in Hechuan District, Chongqing(63.6 kilometers, about an hour and 20 minutes by car.) by way of Lanhai highway.

Route 2. From Chongqing west railway station to the hua di wang chao Ramada Plaza Hotel in Hechuan District, Chongqing(79.1km, about one hour and 40 minutes by car) by way of Chengdu Chongqing ring and Lanhai highway.

Route 3. From Chongqing shapingba railway station to the hua di wang chao Ramada Plaza Hotel in Hechuan District, Chongqing ( 66.5km, about one hour and 20 minutes by car) by way of the inner ring expressway and Lanhai highway.

Route 4. From Chongqing hechuan railway station to the hua di wang chao Ramada Plaza Hotel in Hechuan District, Chongqing(2.9km, about 10 minutes by car) by way of the Lan-Yu line and jiangcheng Avenue. Guests who take the train to chongqing north station can directly take the high-speed train to hechuan station.




重庆火车站共有3处:重庆火车北站、重庆西站、重庆沙坪坝火车站,动车、高铁、特快列车主要停靠以上三个火车站,会议举办地合川也有动车停靠合川站, 组委会在上述4个火车站均安排有接站人员与通勤车辆,与会嘉宾到达时间请提前与组委会联系,以便统筹安排。

路线1: 重庆火车北站——重庆市合川区华地王朝华美达广场酒店(63.6公里,车程约1小时20分钟),途径兰海高速。

路线2: 重庆西站——重庆市合川区华地王朝华美达广场酒店(79.1公里,车程约1小时40分钟),途径成渝环状线、兰海高速。

路线3: 重庆沙坪坝火车站——重庆市合川区华地王朝华美达广场酒店(66.5公里,车程约1小时20分钟),途径内环快速、兰海高速。

路线4: 重庆合川火车站——重庆市合川区华地王朝华美达广场酒店(2.9公里,车程约10分钟),途径兰渝线、江城大道。有乘坐火车至重庆北站的与会嘉宾可直接乘坐高铁至合川站。


Hua Di Wang Chao Ramada Plaza Hotel (重庆合川华地王朝华美达广场酒店)

NO.678, Zhongnan Road, Hechuan District, Chongqing (重庆市合川区中南路678号)

Zip code:401520

Tel: +86(23)85136666

Fax: +86(23)85131099

Booking hotline: +86(23)85137777
