• 广东省地级市,属于热带北缘季风气候,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,亚热带作物及海产资源丰富,湛江位居粤、琼、桂三省(区)交汇处,是中国西南各省通往国外的主要出海口,亦是中国大陆通往东南亚、非洲、欧洲和大洋洲海上航道最短的重要口岸。

  • 广东海洋大学,是广东省人民政府和自然资源部共建的省属重点建设大学,是一所以海洋和水产为特色、多学科协调发展的综合性大学,是教育部本科教学水平评估优秀院校,是具有“学士、硕士、博士”完整学位授权体系的大学,是广东省高水平大学重点学科建设高校。

  • 金沙湾,位于广东省湛江市赤坎区东海岸,占地面积12.6万平方米。是国家AAAA级景区,有金沙湾观海长廊、海滨浴场,双子岛、水上运动中心等景点。无论白天还是夜晚,这里都成了人们赏景、散步、谈心、玩耍、锻练的一大去处,特别是节假日,金沙湾观海长廊更吸引了众多的市民,成为市民休闲的好去处。

  • 湛江既有热带土壤基本类型,也有滨海地带土壤分布,共有赤红壤、砖红壤、滨海沙土、滨海盐渍沼泽土、滨海盐土、潮沙泥土、沼泽土、火山灰土、菜园土、水稻土等10个土类,以红壤居多,湛江因此有“红土地”之称。

  • 湛江美食指湛江海产品,丰富闻名遐迩,其新鲜、质优、价廉,各农贸市场均有大量供应,在宾馆、酒店以至街边小食店均有大量海鲜菜式,因而,湛江是人们品尝海鲜、购买海产品的理想之地,近年来有"要吃海鲜到湛江"之说。常见的湛江美食有对虾、龙虾、螃蟹等。

The 14th IWCFTA, Zhanjiang, China, 10th December – 12th December, 2021 <--Click To Enter(点击进入)

The International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA) will be the successor of the formerly successfully series of International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications. The new workshop will cover topics beyond Chaos and Fractal Theory to general complex systems which are abundant in modern society.

It will provide a high-level international forum for researchers and students who will present recent research results, address new challenges and discuss trends in the area of complex systems and interdisciplinary science. The aims of the conference are focused on discussing the most relevant methodologies and approaches to understanding, modelling, simulating, predicting, evaluating and mastering the Societal, Ecological, Biological and Engineered Complex Systems.

After being reviewed by experts, some of excellent papers will be recommended to SCI-indexed journals to be published.